Mariana Preda's Profile
- English
- Pan Flute - Beginner
Mariana Preda is a panflute musician based in Amsterdam. She has been playing the pan flute for over 15 years and teaching for over 3 years. She released many albums such as, "Luna", "Sunrise" and "The Untold Stories", with the Italian label MAP from Milan. Her education was enriched by Dutch panflute player Matthijs Koene. In May 2018 she got her bachelor's diploma in 'Classical/Contemporary panflute' at the Conservatory of Amsterdam which opened for her the first Master panflute department in the world. In 2020 she finished her Master's degree in 'Classical/Contemporary panflute'. In 2016 Mariana has been given a special prize at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest for being one of the best Romanian students abroad in the field of the arts, a recognition that also rewards her activity of promoting the panflute all over the world. In 2015, 2016 and 2017 she performed at UNTOLD Festival in Cluj Napoca, the largest electronic music festival held in Romania each year, approaching a new style of music. Mariana Preda performed classical and contemporary music accompanied by Japanese pianist Daisuke Kanamaru at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ for the 40th edition of the Uitmarkt Festival. Other music festivals where Mariana took part in 2019-2020: Grachten Festival, Vondelpark Festival, Uitmarkt Festival, Prix Annelie de Man, Gaudeamus Festival, Romanian Days in De Hoge Veluwe. She performed in many cities around the world such as Bucharest, Cluj, Milan, Rome, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Havana, New York, Chicago Cultural Center, Los Angeles, Cairo and more. In 2018 Mariana together with Daisuke Kanamaru took part at the well known IBLA Grand Prize, a music competition that takes place in Ragusa, Italy every year, run by the IBLA Foundation based in New York City. On 5th May 2019 Mariana got an Honorary Citizenship of the city of Jacksonville, Arkansas, handed by Mayor Bob Johnson. On 7th May 2019, Mariana performed at Carnegie Hall in New York. In 2019-2020 Mariana had many concerts in the Netherlands with the 'Cununa Ensemble', a musical group that links classical music to jazz and folk.

$30.00 - 30 mins